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  • Title: SIXER FOR DOS / SBAs / Agency Managers OFFLINE 2nd Session
    Date of Start: 14-03-2025
    Timing: 9:00 to 13:30
  • Title: English MISSION MDRT 2nd Batch FINAL session
    Date of Start: 12-03-2025
    Timing: 9:30 to 13:30
    Venue: ONLINE
    Date of Start: 10-03-2025
    Timing: 9:00 to 13:30
    Venue: Go-Past Centre for Learning Pvt Ltd,115 / 116 / 117 Thirumalai Nagar 4 th Street,Off Service Road,Anakaputtur,Chennai- 600 070, Tamilnadu, India
  • Title: CHENNAI MISSION MDRT 48th Batch 3rd Session
    Date of Start: 21-03-2025
    Timing: 9:30 to 13:30
    Venue: Go-Past Centre for Learning Pvt Ltd,115 / 116 / 117 Thirumalai Nagar 4 th Street,Off Service Road,Anakaputtur,Chennai- 600 070, Tamilnadu, India
    Date of Start: 13-03-2025
    Timing: 9:30 to 13:30
    Venue: ONLINE
Genius Financial Planning Program
  • Genius
  • Executive Genius
Genius Financial Planning ProgramObjectives:

PRIMARY: At the end of this course, the participants will be in a position to analyse the financial status of the prospect, identify both latent and articulated goals, and draw a suitable financial plan to aid the prospect in realizing his goals with the help of recommended financial instruments.

INCIDENTAL: Qualify the FIVE modules of CFP and gain accreditation as a certified financial planner from FPSB India.
Nos Topics Highlights Hours (Approx)
1 Basics of Financial planning
Time value of Money,
Power of Compounding,
The advantages of Planning the Financialaspects of Life
Using financial Calculators
Spread sheets on Laptops
2 Risk management
Identifying, Evaluating Risks
Options for Risk Management
Insurance Solutions
3 Retirement planning
Options available
Statutory provisions for the organized sector
4 Investment planning
Options available for Indian consumers
Options available for NRIs, PIOs and Other Nationals
Global Scenarios
Drawing meaning from charts and tables
5 Tax planning
Statutes, Direct and Indirect Taxes
Provisions for deductions
Estate provisioning
6 Higher Order Concepts and Practices of Financial plan
Drawing the best out of the human potential through financial planning
Corporate Financial Plans to realize the dreams of the Small and Medium Entrepreneurs to become Big and Huge Corporations.


Class room training with ectures with multi-media tools, and practical case studies

Home work and review

Group studies with paper presentations

Field visits to/ visits by tax practitioners and fund managers' offices/centre.

Value addition:

Training and Coaching course covering : ( 6 Hours)

1. The sales process and the application of the financial plans,

2. Preparing templates for group presentations

3. Optimizing the usage of laptops and wireless technology for marketing

An alumnus to stay update with the salient aspects like tax reforms, relevant trends in global markets, etc.,

Library of a vast collection of books available for free reference*

* Conditions governing the Library of Gopast Centre for Business Excellence for lending will apply


Deiva Pulavar Thiruvalluvar Award:

Rupees Three thousand for Life Insurance Professionals with a minimum of one year experience.

Mahakavi Bharathiar Award:

Rupees Two thousand for qualified and registered members of MDRT at the time of admission into this program

Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan Award:

For the student of each batch aggregating the Maximum marks in the internal assessment tests summed up for the whole course (minimum average sum 90%) : Rupees Ten Thousand.

In the Gopast Family Award:

For students who have earlier FULLY undergone either the MDRT courses or Sixer Courses of Gopast: Rupees Two Thousand at the time of admission into this program.
Executive Genius Financial Planning Program

Coaching at your place at scheduled time & contact classes


PRIMARY: At the end of this course, the participants will be in a position to analyse the financial status of the prospect, identify both latent and articulated goals, and draw a suitable financial plan to aid the prospect in realizing his goals with the help of recommended financial instruments.

INCIDENTAL: Qualify the FIVE modules of CFP and gain accreditation as a certified financial planner from FPSB India.
Nos Topics Highlights Hours (Approx)
1 Basics of Financial planning
Time value of Money,
Power of Compounding,
The advantages of Planning the Financialaspects of Life
Using financial Calculators
Spread sheets on Laptops
2 Risk management
Identifying, Evaluating Risks
Options for Risk Management
Insurance Solutions
3 Retirement planning
Options available
Statutory provisions for the rganized sector
4 Investment planning
Options available for Indian consumers
Options available for NRIs, PIOs and Other Nationals
Global Scenarios
Drawing meaning from charts and tables
5 Tax planning
Statutes, Direct and Indirect Taxes
Provisions for deductions
Estate provisioning
6 Higher Order Concepts and Practices of Financial plan
Drawing the best out of the human potential through financial planning
Corporate Financial Plans to realize the dreams of the Small and Medium Entrepreneurs to become Big and Huge Corporations.


Class room training with lectures with multi-media tools, and practical case studies

Home work and review

Group studies with paper presentations

Field visits to/ visits by tax practitioners and fund managers' offices/centre.

Value addition:

Training and Coaching course covering : ( 6 Hours)

1. The sales process and the application of the financial plans,

2. Preparing templates for group presentations

3. Optimizing the usage of laptops and wireless technology for marketing

An alumnus to stay update with the salient aspects like tax reforms, relevant trends in global markets, etc.,

Library of a vast collection of books available for free reference*

* Conditions governing the Library of Gopast Centre for Business Excellence for lending will apply


Deiva Pulavar Thiruvalluvar Award:

Rupees Three thousand for Life Insurance Professionals with a minimum of one year experience.

Mahakavi Bharathiar Award:

Rupees Two thousand for qualified and registered members of MDRT at the time of admission into this program

Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan Award:

For the student of each batch aggregating the Maximum marks in the internal assessment tests summed up for the whole course (minimum average sum 90%) : Rupees Ten Thousand.

In the Gopast Family Award:

For students who have earlier FULLY undergone either the MDRT courses or Sixer Courses of Gopast: Rupees Two Thousand at the time of admission into this program.
Online Registration
The MDRT Courses
BAP Courses
Leading Lights
Building Business
Crown Your self